How to get involved

Are you interested in participating in Employ Me?

Employ Me operates through a network of project partners including Association for Children with Disability, Tasmanian Disability Employment Service Providers and Tasmanian Allied Health Professionals.

The Project supports people living with brain injury throughout all urban, rural and remote Tasmania, people with cognitive impairment in the Tasmanian criminal justice system and young people with disability in Tasmania.

Step one: Contact Employ Me
Do you fit into one of the groups above?

Are you looking to find employment or do want to build your confidence and work readiness?

Participation usually takes 8 to 10 hours, however it can take 20 hours or more in some cases. Do you have the time available to undertake the Employ Me journey?

If you answered yes to these questions, you can apply to participate in Employ Me. Call or email to let us know you are interested, or ask a support person to do this for you. If you heard about Employ Me through one of our Project Partners, you can contact them to say you are interested.

Step two: A friendly discussion with Project staff
Project staff will make a time to catch up with you. We will explain the process, answer your questions and check your eligibility. It is essential we hold this discussion so you understand what is involved prior to submitting your application to participate in Employ Me.

Contact us

Step 3: Fill in the application form
We can support you to complete this form or you can work through it alone. There are fifteen questions that check that you are eligible, tell us a bit about your background and make sure you have enough time available to participate.

Step 4: Start your Employ Me Journey
You will work closely with Project staff over the ten steps of Employ Me to support you along your employment journey.

We can work out a schedule to suit your needs and availability.

You will have access to resources that support you on the journey to creating your personalised video.

By the time you have completed Employ Me, you will have built a toolkit including your workbooks or card packs, your personal profile, a formal certificate of achievement, plus your About Me video to take and use as you pursue your goals.

Contact us